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Add Drop..oHh..Add Drop..^^

huh..payah2..nak kena pikir sal add drop segala bagai neyh..macam mane eak..skang neyh aku berada di lab di COLGIS..nak tuka jadual..tapi clash ngan yang laen..taw x..hari neyh aku ade kelas dari kul9.30 pagi sampai lar kul5 petang..dah lar kelas contract kat dkg5/8 kul 2 hingga 3.30..then aku kena masuk kelas principle of management kul3.30 hingga kul 5petang kat dkg2/1..weyh..mak bapak jauh giler kelas aku..aduhh..kena marathon kew??haihh..kalo ade jet pejuang kew ataw adew lantai gerak trus ke sana xpe jugak..neyh...hishh..marah tolll aku..nak tuka tapi semua da penuh..hurmm..harap2 lecturer xmarah lar kalo masuk lambat..hehehehe..lantak lar..

dah la kelas managemnet xda member yang amek aku ajak la si sidik amek skali ngan aku..tapi xda kosong lak kelas..semua da penuh..kepada mereka2 sekalian..sila lah drop subjek tu yer..bia kawan aku dapat masuk kelas sama ngan aku.hahhah..gile la aku anak Tan Sri nak suh orang laen drop subjek..kikiki..pape jew lar..k ar..malas nak pikir pasal add drop neyh..terima saje..lumrah pelajar kan kena ber marathon kalo nak g kelas..huahahaha..k mengarut sampai sini..ramai sangat orang..malu nak mengarut lagi..hahahah..

monolog dalamn: da la dalam lab neyh sejuk tahap ci***..keh3..ramai neyr orang meng add drop subjek..sesak taw x dalam lab neyh..naseb baek ade air cond..nyaman jugak lar..hee..k..kelas Legal Method da nak start..byeee..

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xtaw mau buat ape neyh..ngantuk tu ngantuk jugak..tapi cam nak beronline lagi..esop kelas kul 8 pagi oii kawan..aduhaiii..bapak awal giler nyer kelas aku..adehh..nak kena bangun kul bape yer??hurmm..7.30 la aku bangun..xpon bangun kul6.30 terus mandi2..xyah tidow balek..haihhh..penat2..tape..lumrah kehidupan pelajar..
citer korea aku da habes mulai skrang aku xkan bukak da la sebarang movie.. insyaAllah..hehehe..k..xtaw nak buat ape da..nak mengarut lagik sebenarnya,tapi cam xda idea..sakinah tadi da tidur tapi bangun balek..terus sambung citer Boys Over Flower..gigihkan beliau..hahaha..oekyyy..cukup sampai sini.saje jew nak memenuhi ruangan blog aku yang agak cun neyh..hahahaa..poyo jew kan..k da la..mata da pedih neyh..huhu..jumpa lagi..

monolog dalaman: kawan-kawan..harap2 korang sume pergi lar ea kelas esok..jangan la xpergi..nanti aku xda kawan..kang jadi cam kelas management hari tu..sorang2 jep..hee..okeyy..pak cik DL..tunggu aku..aku akan peluk kamu erat2 semester neyh..chaaiyo!!

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The Day^^

ouucchhh..wat a boring day..huh..i've nothing to do today..hurmm..i woke up this morning around 11 o'clock after my rumate came back from her class..actually it is not too late for the student during their holiday tyme..hahahah..i juz sitting in my room alone and watching korean drama..WONDERFUL LIFE..i have not finish watching it i will finish it today..because tomorrow and onwards i need to focus on my study..

huh..talking about study,tomorrow i need to get up early in the morning..because i have a class at 8am until 9.30am..whoaaa..i hate for thinking about that..ooohhh process writing..why do i need to learn about you..can i skip your subject??haihh..what ever it is,i still have to go to class tomorrow because my holiday tyme will be end soon..feel sad..:(..but i know i have to sacrifice my leisure tyme if i want to success in life..i will study hard and hard because for now my dream is that i want to repay back all the things that my parents had done to me..i want to cheer them up with my excellent results..may be in the beginning i will face a lot of obstacle but i will not give it up easily.. i will do my best to achieve the goal that my parents had set to me..

so i got to go because i want to continue watching the drama..hehehehe..

monolog dalaman: huh..sedeyh la syiall cite neyh..nasib baik hati aku neyh kuat..xda la sampai nanges kan..bergenang jew air mata neyh..kui3..lepas neyh da xda masa nak tengok..tapi skang neyhperut aku da bergemdang meminta makanan..alahai perut..kesian kamu..hanya maggie jew yang mampu aku berikan..kikiki..

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Hari Pertama kuh..

heyyy..banyak tullah susah nyer pada hari pertama kelas..huahaha..eh2..apsal aku gelak lak neyh..bia lar..aku da menjadi kureeng sket..hee..hari ini hari isnin yer kawan-kawan..kelas telah bermula..namun begitu disebabkan kami semua merasakan UUM ney adalah universiti hak milik sendiri,jadi kami pon pandai2 lar membuat cuti sendiri..sangat gigih taw kami neyh kalau korang semua nak tahu..hahaha..hari ni aku ade 4 kelas iaitu..contract law..islamic method..principle management..daripada  4 kelas yang diberitahu sebentar tadi, hanya 1 kelas je aku masuk..bagus kan aku..biasa lar..aku kan pelajar pintar..hahahaha..bukan apa..3 kelas semuanya cancel..lecturer pon suka jugak buat cuti sendiri ea..ooppss..hahaha..*cupp..xmaksud nak mengutuk..kui3*okeyy..sambung balek..

hari pertama masuk kelas..aku da lambat..jap2..tapi bukan salah aku taw masuk lambat..korang marahkan pakcik bas Unic Liner tuh..aku punya la gigih naik bas kul3 petang [semangat la konon nyerr]..alih2 pakcik tu jalan kul3.30 petang..haihh..hangin satu badan aku taw..tapi..sabar..sabar..masuk kelas agak lambat..lecturer da ada..naseb baek dia xmarah..lepas tu terus lecturer tue ngaja chapter1..waaaahhhh..awal nyer da belajar..alahai..nak buat macam mana kan..cakap nak DL semester neyh..kena la gigih aku da kena start buat revision la nampak gaya nyer..hurmm..okeyy..mengarut sampai sini to go..esok mengarut lagi ea..hee..daaa~

monolog dalaman: perut kuh kembung kerana diisi dengan makanan yang begitu banyak..thnx to Muiz and Arni coz korang sudi keluar bersama-sama untuk makan..same wit Alfie, Suhaida, Naemah@Capik,Cha and Raqib..esok jangan lupa pergi kelas..huhu..

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Debaran Hati..

okeh..debaran kian memuncak.ntah kenapa jantung ini sentiasa berdegup kencang..semacam ada yang tidak kena..aku takut..apa silap aku..apa yang telah aku lakukan..apa yang bakal berlaku pada diri aku ini..ntah..aku sendiri tidak mengerti..jiwa tidak tenteram..tolong..tolong..hentikan debaran aku ini secepat mungkin..tetiba aku merasakan rindu aku kepada keluarga memuncak..rindu pada umi..rindu pada ayah..rindu mereka semua..aku tidak faham apa yang tidak kena..adakah kerana aku ponteng kelas pada hari ini??ooohh..tidak..kelas aku pada pagi ini semunya batal..jadi apakah sebabnya??adakah kerana semester baru telah bermula??

haihh..susah untuk aku fikirkan sebab nya..aku sememangnya takut pada saat ini..namun aku tidak mahu berfikiran negatif..mungkin hanya perasaan aku sahaja..adakah mungkin aku akan menerima khabar buruk?? Nauzubillah..mintak simpang semua tu..aku merasakan aku telah mengecewakan kedua ibu bapa aku..aku sudah tidak tahu,bagaimanakah caranya lagi untuk menggembirakan hati mereka..aku merasakan diri aku ni sebagai satu beban yang terpaksa mereka pikul..aku sudah berusaha sehabis baik dalam segala perkara..namun aku realise yang tidak semua yang aku lakukan mendapat keberkatan daripadaNya..

Monolog Dalaman:
Ya Allah..tolonglah hambamu ini..kuatkanlah hati aku..iman aku sepanjang perjalanan aku di UUM ini..aku cuba namun gagal..aku tahu bahawa aku mempunyai banyak kekurangan..aku telah mencuba sehabis daya untuk mengatasi kekurangan itu..tapi tidak juga berjaya..Ya Allah..apakah salah aku??Kau ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa yang telah aku lakukan selama ini..Berikanlah yang terbaik untuk diriku dan juga keluargaku juga..Kau bagilah aku peluang untuk aku buktikan kepada kedua ibu bapa aku bahawa aku juga mampu untuk berjaya seperti orang lain..aku selalu merasakan aku ini seorang yang akan sentiasa gagal dalam segala hal..aku sangat merasa rendah diri dengan ahli keluarga aku yang lain dan juga rakan-rakan aku..Ya Allah..bantulah aku..

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Burning the Midnight Oil^^

najmi..najmi..cepat la tidur..alahai..tapi nak buat camne yer..mata neyh xnak pejam..punggung cam da melekat kat kerusi plastik neyh..aduhh..esok kelas da start da..tapi kawan-kawan semua xnak pergi kelas lagi..sebahagian besar maseh bercuti di rumah..adoiii..aku jeles ngan diorang semua..hurm..aku and cha and bos la yang gigih..terus stay kat UUM lepas ECOM hari tu..memang kami sayangkan Kachi ney..adeii..sepanjang cuti aku kat kachi neyh,xda sebarang kerja berfaedah pon yang telah dilakukan..aku ngan cha da pulun semua jenis movie and maen segala jenis game yang ade dalam laptop kesayangan kami neyh..pulun habez2 sebelum kelas bermula..hahahaha..

aku apa lagi korang xkenal aku..jap2..memang korang xkenal aku pon..ape lar..aku neyh agak hantu sikit ngan cerita korea dan jepun..tapi xala segila puteri and se fanatik nat..oopss..sori korang..ter'umpat' lak dalam entry saya neyh..hihihi..bia la..femes sikit nama to nat coz meminjamkan cerita jepun kat aku..THE STORY OF YAMADA TARO..sape-sape yang belum pernah tengok..sila-sila lah yer..citer neyh sangat mempunyai moral value yang tinggi..[ape punyer ayat lar..da cam keling aku baca..lantak lah..]..touching la syiall citer neyh..naseb baek iman kuat..xda la sampai nanges kan..hahaha..skang neyh aku tengah menggigihkan diri menonton drama korea..WONDERFUL LIFE..tapi xabez lagi..mereka semua cakap best.tu yang teruja nak tengok..gagaga..da la weyh..tetibe mata aku neyh cam nak tutup lak..memang betullah jeles ngan aku..tyme2 aku tulis blog neyh lar dye nak ngantuk nyer..hahaha..tu tanda nak suruh aku bangun awal la tu..yela2..kiki..

monolog dalaman: esok kelas da start da..azam aku bersam-sama kawan-kawan yang lain adalah untuk memperolehi dean list untuk semester akan datang neyh..aja aja fighting!

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Stand by Me..OST Boys Before Flower^^

 jumm..layan korea sebentar..gagaagaga..sekarang tengah mencantekkan blog..saje2..esok dah start kelas..after diz masa nak berblog makin kurang lar..alahai..huhu..terima lah lagu ini..bezz..[lagu je lar..cite cam biasa je..kih3]

Stand by me! nal barabwajwo ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me! nal jikyeobwajwo ajik sarange seotuljiman
neoreul bol surok gibuni johajyeo
nado mollae noraereul bulleo
han songi jangmireul sago sipeojin
ireon nae moseup singihande
nae maeumi neo-ege danneundeutae
i sesangi areumdawo
ireon seolleimeul neodo neukkindamyeon
budi jogeumman gidaryeojwo
Together make it love!
Forever make it your smile!
neoui hwanhan miso gadeukhi
Together make it love!
Forever make it your smile!
ije naesoneul naesoneul jaba
Stand by me nareul barabwajwo ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyeobwajwo ajik sarange seotungeot gata
neoreul al surok gaseumi tteollyeowa
naneun geujeo utgoman isseo
neoege salmyeosi kiseu haebolkka
jogeum ni mame dagaseolkka
nae maeumi eojjeomyeon sarangilkka
nan ajigeun sujubeunde
ajik hangeoreumdo daga seojimotan
naui sarangeul gidaryeojwo
Together make it love!
Forever make it your smile!
neoui hwanhan miso gadeukhi
Together make it love!
Forever make it your smile!
ije jogeumssik jogeumssik galkke
Stand by me nareul barabwajwo jomdeo gakkawo jigosipeo
Stand by me nareul jikyeobwajwo jomdeo meotjige boigo sipeo
nan cheoeumen mollasseo
nugungal baraboneunge
ajikdo naemam molla
geudaeneun geudaereul saranghae
Together make it love!
Forever make it your smile!
neoui hwanhan miso gadeukhi
Together make it love!
Forever make it your smile!
ije naesoneul naesoneul jaba
Stand by me nareul barabwajwo ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyeobwajwo

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hari ini kurasakan teramat la boring..almaklum la hari cutey kan..ak n cha bgun xnak lambat plak pgi tadi..lam kul10 lbey br la anak2 dara neyh bgun..haihh..trukkn..hee..ak bgun dgan ggihnyer trus basuh bju memandangkan hari amatlah panas..ggihkan ak..hahah..bile da siap sume skali ngn mndi..prut pon mula bergendang mcm2 lagu..tanda lapar la ber 7 msuk n sumbt diri smbil mengecilkan bontot msing2 untuk muatkn diri lam kete naimah..kami menyantap di Mall..pas kenyang balek ke dpp..dorang ade diskusi untuk roleplay..ak ngan putri xda keje so kami melepak di cc neyh..smpat lagi weyh ak download kn movie nur kasih yang bhgian akhr nyer..btol2 ggih ak neyh..huhu..da kt sejam lbey ar ak kt sni..siap mntk mse tmbhn lgi..xthan tol lar..bia lar..bkan slalu pon ak lpak lelama kt cc neyh..esop nk roleplay da..cuak gak weyh..listening pon esop gak..okeh kwan2..sila bersihkn corong telinga msing2..hahahaha..kompem full mark nyer esop neyh..kah2..giler la ak neyh..lantak ar..ak nk mrapu jew nk entry ak neyh..bkn org len nyer pon..huhu..da la..mlas nk taip da neyh..keyboard cam si*l jew..hee..len mse ak post lgi..slamat tinggal kwan2..ak nk g smbung tgok muvie lak neyh lpas siapkn modul lar..huhu

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ellow frenz..long tyme no c..hee..waahh..after nearly a week i didn't wrote anything in my feel like wanna write sumtin in my entry..hurmm..nothing interesting happen during my ECOMM claz..i enjoyed every lessons taught by Madam Majdah..[mmg terbek dari ladang lar lecturer neyh..huhu],we have our impromptu speech..each student had given 3minutes to prepare for the contents and 2minutes to deliver the speech..whoaaa..i was so nervous coz i admit that i'm not too good in speaking..our beloved lecturer started the speech at 2.30p.m after our break..i could see that all my frenz were getting nervous and a few of them keep on going to the bathroom..its a normal things rite if u're nervous,u will think the best place to go is toilet..hahahaha..juz kidding..luckily,i got a topic that i think quite easy for my to deliver the topic is about MY BIGGEST REGRET IN LIFE..hurmm..i had alot of idea regarding to this topic..i felt relieved that i managed to do it..heeee..i felt proud to myself..hurmm..

we finally come to the end of our claz..10 days seems like nothing..the time past very fast..although at the beginning we felt that this claz might be bore but the fact is it is not likw that..i'm glad that i got madam Majdah as our lecturer for my ecomm claz..she is very easygoing first impression to her is that she is not the type that can easily take any joke or maybe she is not the type of sporting lecturer.but after knowing her for 6 days,i realized that all my taughts are untrue..madam Majdah is very kind person..she taught us in the simplest way that i can easily understand the topic that had learned..

i think i'm gonna miss my tyme during this ecomm claz..before i forgot, all of us stayed in SIME DARBY residential hall. here,the scenery is very beautiful although the rooms here when we firstly arrived look quite disaster..hahah..ooppsss..heee..SIME DARBY is nearby with the Guthrie Lake and also with the Varsity we got enough food during the claz..hurmm..tomorrow there is no,we will relax in our room and of course for sleeping or watching the movie..huhu..

k..i think i will stop's getting late and the lab will be closed soon..i will post another entry on another day when i get the chance to surf the internet..k daa~

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adoiii...aku cuak gile+sangat neves untuk lihat result final aku..gile lar..terkejut aku bile afiq gtaw yang rezuk da kuar..alahaii..aku pon cek lar..ade sedikit frust coz adew dua subject ak trget xcapai piawai target aku..eeiiiiii...tensennye aku..aku sangat lar kompiden dapat terbaik untuk subject tu tapi..HAMPEH!! tapi biar least xda lar teruk sangat walaupon aku xcapai ape yang di target..ney sume subject puan-puan tue lar perosak rezuk kami..adeiihhh..sangat lar kedekutnyer markah..puan-puan..kasihanilah kami..jangan lah terlampau strict..da la soklan susah gila bangang!!!..haaa..ak marah btol lar..*sabar-sabar..hurmmm...lantak lah..yang pasti aku kena dapat kan A untuk ECOMM nanti..baru lar sedap sket mata memandang rezuk itu..

so sem u need to struggle gile2 bab* more more facebooking nxt sem..wat u only need to do is..FOCUS!!!..make sure 4.00 in ur hand 4 da nxt final exm..Chaiyoo!!..

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adeii..tinggal lagi 2hari nk duk umah.xpon xsampai kot 2hari tuh.Jumaat malam da nak nek bas!!!.alahai.malas la plak nk msuk UUM tuh.bukannye ape cuma aku rase cam akan kebosanan jew nanti tyme kat sane.yela.dorang sume da abez da ecomm.ak jep yang baru nak g.hurmm..ape nak buat kan.redha jep ler..

k malas jep nak post entry tuk malam neyh.ntah lar..sebenarnyer nak out dulu neyh.nak gosip2 ngan ARNI lak nanti.lame weyh kami xbergosip.dye duk kt ecomm tuh.line xbtol sangat la kot untuk kami bergosip..kuang3x..okeh.sampai disini jew lar coretan daku.nanti bile free akan disambung balek.da kering idea nak mencoret kat blog neyh..hik3..

p/s: tadi sensei wat "prang" kat ak..adehh..ak da agak da sensei yang mesej ak tadi tp cam xsure jep..persoalan :gimana sensei taw aah aku nak kuar esop????pasti shirah yang gitau..hurmm..pape jep lar..heee..

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Dulu kita dapat tertawa bersama
Tak ada hal yang disembunyikan dari tatapan mata kita

Ku tau dirimu
Seperti dirimu mengenal diriku

Kita telah mengukir cerita indah tuk dikenang
Kelmarin saat kenangan itu terukir
Hari ini saat kita mengulang ceritanya
Esok ketika kita tersenyum ketika mengenangnya..

Ku tak ingin melihatmu berharap lebih
Kerana kau adalah SAHABAT ku
Berbagi tawa
air mata

Persahabatan adalah perisai bagi segala bencana dan segala peristiwa yang terjadi pada setiap zaman..
Sebaik-baik sahabat ialah yang elok dalam perangai dan budi pekerti.
Sahabatmu pada hari ini boleh menjadi seteru pada hari esok.

Oleh itu.Marilah kita bersama-sama mencari sahabat yang dapat bersama dengan kita dikala susah mahupun senang.kerana sahabat untuk kita ketawa mudah sahaja untuk dicari namun sahabat untuk kita berkongsi air mata itulah sahabat yang sejati.


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Alkesah Nye

duk umah sangat lar boring sebenarnyer.xtaw nk wat pe..mmg bez cutey.cutey dri blaja..cutey dari membuat assingment dan macam2 satu jew yg xbez ble cutey neyh.ak da mula rindukan kawan2 ak kt UUM..hurm..beysa lar..kami slalu lepak sesama..makan sesama..bergosip pon nti nk bkak sem br..ak da rase kehilangan..ade 2,3 org kwan ak yg akn pindah uitm..if u all da bce my entries b4.i had already mentioned bout dat.juz dat i wanna stress it again here in this entry.bukan ape..tetibe rindu kt dorg..ak da la xsempat nk jumpe dorg buat kali terakhir b4 dorg pindah..hurmm..sedeyh jep nk rse fun kt UUM..tetibe hilang nk wat cne kn..rzki dorg kat sne lbey kuat..kami disini ttap perlu meneruskan perjuangan yang br setengah bermula..apepon ak nk ucapkan gud luck kepada mereka sume..ak nk dorg taw yang i luve u all very very are such a very very gud friends dat i ever had..appreciate every single moment dat we had been together for almost 3-4 months in UUM..all those memories are very sweet and valuable to me..if we have any chance in da future we will meet up again.Our Friendship will last forever and ever..

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Gurls Day Out^^ happy today.selepas tidak bertemu untuk beberapa ketika, akhirnye kami bertemu semula..yippiee..hahah..diz morning, IZAH.DHILA.AUNI.AKU.kuar bersama-sama ke GIANT [port rasmi kami untuk melepak..hahahah]. we meet up around 10 a.m at GIANT. Izah came by bus so do with Dhila.Auni and I came together because our house is not too far..huhu..Kami punyer lar hepi dpt jumpe balik coz agak lame lar xhang out sesama..almaklumlar..ctey masing-masing xsama. adew yang cuti adew yang ngah blaja lagi..hurm..Dhila..saya respect sama kamu lar..bagus lar kamu coz sanggup bawak adeq same2 g lepak ngan kitorang. Lagipula,adeq beliau itu sgtla bersopan..alahaii..baeknyer mereka..xsusah la nk jage.kalo ak??hurmm..kompem ak xkan bawak nyer..hahahah..gile punyer kakak..huhu...

so kitorang pon pusing-pusing la GIANT itu.smpat la lgi mereka2 bershopping..hahaha..shopaholic la katekan mereka2 neyh...Izah smpat lgik tuh bli sepatu bru..izah..cantek sandal itu..jgan jatuh-jatuh lgik yerk..kuang2..ak neyh cam ckap lam cermin jep..ak pon hampir-hampir jatuh gak la tadik mse bratur kt KFC..hahah..seb bek xda yang market t..waahh.over gitu..Then kami pon berposing la sketika di sebalah kdai Pizza Hut yang kami rancang nk msuk tadik tp nggak jdik..hek3..sian adeq Dhila..kempunan nk mkn Pizza..sori yerk deq.len kli eak suh Kak Dhila blanje..huhu..Slain Pizza mnjadi Port kami untuk bergambar,kdai kasut BATA juga mnjdik plihan..ak mmg muke xmalu..rdah msuk jep amek gambar..hahha..ap nk kesah..fon cmera ak gak kn..wiwiwiwi..

Then pastu 2 kami kuar GIANT..da xtaw nk g mane..pusing jew la najmi kat mne ko ske..kate ak dalam ak pon ngan smangatnyer membawa mereka pusing juz lalu jep la xpena gi pntai kan..hahahah..lantak ar..janji bawak pusing..tetibe tringat sal PROSPERITY BURGER..waaahh..kecur air liur kuh..hek3..ape lagi..ak pun pusing blek g kt GIANT wat drive thru..hahaha..1st tyme beb..xpena lagik ka wat..kami pon mengorder la mkann2 itu..sakan tul aku blanje ary neyh..heee..nk wat cne..da lme xjumpe rerakan taulan neyh..huu..

rakan-rakan..aku sayang sama kamoo..rindu mau ketemu sama kamu semua lagik..hahaha..ti cutey jumpe lgik keyh..huhu..xpuas ar spend tyme td..nti kite kuar rerami lagik..ajk sume kuar..huhu..muahxx..luv u gurlss..~ 

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hurm my kazen so femes today..coz his story about hitting by elephant came out in da KOSMO newspaper..waahh..sangat la tragis cite dye..he is my near cousin.son of my aunt which is sister to my,we are quite close.

poor him.he just married when he got that terrible accident.he got a very bad injuries with broken right leg and about 7 of chest bones [if i had not been mistaken] had been crack.oucchhh...i could feel his pain.about 5 months took him to recover but not all the injuries healed.when i first heard the news about him was from his younger sister.that tyme im in uitm shah alam doing my foundation.around 8.30 pm,Kak Liza [name i called his sister] called me and told that she will going home tomorrow night.then i asked her why so sudden wanna back home. she asked me if i know what had happened to his brother.then i said.No..i did not know anything and i kept asking why..why..then she told me that Abg Li [the victim as well as my cousin] had been hit by a big elephant at his work place.i was shocked.after talking about half an hour, i quickly dialed home and asked my family for the truth. So my younger sister told me everything.same like Kak Liza told me just now.

after that, im going to Dataran Cendikia to take my dine with my friend.While waiting our foods arrived, we watched news time. at that moment, the news about a worker in Hulu Terengganu was hitted by the elephant during his duty. and that worker's name is Muhd Hadzli Awang.OMG..that's my cousin.i told my friend that person is my cousin.what a shocked. the next day, news about my cousin appeared in the newspaper.That time what i can only do is pray for my cousin.

during my semester break,my family and i made a visit to his house at Jerangau, Hulu Terengganu.At that time, his conditions was much much better. and he took nearly 5 to 6 months to recover his injuries.. And now,he was able to walk again and went to work.He still working at the same place but not da same duty.

notes: Abg Li,yu harap abg li akan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan yang selamat dan sejahtera. Jaga diri ketika bekerja ya!~

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PC Fair in KL^^

such a gud moning..heee
nothing much to story..
juz what i had done in KL for 3 days n 3 nite..

i went to KLCC AGAIN
hahahah..before going for movie,i went to the PC FAIR at the Convention Center hectic there its juz like a sea of people..very very crowded and noisy too..yeahh..there are a lots of gadget that you can buy.i feel like i wanna buy all of them but when i remember that i juz only have RM50 i think i need to hold on my desire first..i need to buy sumtin that are really,really important and valuable..hoho..kind of stingy i look like i care..hee..

so after made a few round from one hall to another hall.opps forgot to this PC Fair,there are about 4 halls which are absolutely big and of course its very tiring..whoaaa..very the gigih of me n my friend haa berjalan-jalan di sekitarnye..
i juz bought 1 packet of DVD disc..wanna to burn all my korean movie to the disc
my fren juz bought cooler pad and also keyboard punter alas tuh..hee..forgot the name..after about 1 hours touring from one booth to the others,we decided want to end our touring by walking back to KLCC and have some food..of course KFC..

fuuhh..that is my first tyme been there at the PC tyme..i will think twice whether i want to go there or not..huhuhu..but that..all the experience..
although we are felt very tired and exhausted but we felt happy coz we can spend time 2ghter..

luv and miz u fren..c u next tyme..;D

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Twilight Saga: New Moon..^^

gud monin dearie juz coming back from KL after been there for 3 days n 3 nite..i enjoy my hanging out wit my family n also my fren..

on my second day in kl,my fren and i went out toKLCC to watch a movie titleTWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON..whoaa..luv dat movie very much..its so romantic betweenEdward Cullen(Robert Pattinson) i wish to be like them too..hurmm..*sigh.actually this is my first time watching this kind of movie..about a vampire..yeah..of course i had already seen the first movie of twilight.but i not used to like this kind of movie..i used to like romantic movie actually..huahahaha..funny..back to the story.this story is all about romantic love between natural human and vampire.and it also unrequitted love between natural human also which is da same lady and with her old friend,Jacob.The cover of Jacob had been blown out when Bella know the truth about The Wolf.Jacob had a gen of wolf which he will turn into wolf when he carried out his duty in protecting Bella from the other devil vampire,Victoria.Although there are a lot of obstacle between Edward and Bella,but Bella's love is a true love when she voluntarily go to the Voltuit in order to save Edward from died.There, Bella expressed her willingness to be changed from human to the vampire as long as she can be besides Edward for her whole romantic..

Whoever did not watch this movie yet, better hurry up because this story is superb [this is my opinion lorh..hee]..i wish i could found my true love tpp someday like Edward and Bella.They are like my inspiration..ecececehh..ter'over' la plak i neyh..huu..

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KL tyme^^..

huaaa..smlam kmi skeluarga bertolak dr umah ke KL..nem bas Sani..kmi depart from KT lam kul 10 mlam ar..tyme 2 ujan sgt la lbat..alahai..sjukk..pkai sweater pon stil menggigil..wlahai..lam bas ak duk seat sorg..bezz..dpan n blakang ak sumenye laki..ina duk ngna boy..umi ngan syafiq..lam bas kurang boring coz ak lyan ak jew mp3..heee..smbil2 msg ngn mmber ak..faiz..xbnyk di bualkn pon..sje2 jew ilang bosan smbil abezkan kredit..huhu..

arrved at hentian putra lam 5 pgi cm 2 ar..ak tdow dgn sgt la nyenyak nyer..walahai..smpi cramp2 tgn n jri ak..adess..

skg ney ak duk kt umah mk ngah..xwat pape tgk cite fveret drama..hoho..then tgk cite lagi..ak duk rilex2 jep..then ak lyan fb lak..bkak tenet sgale bgai..hoho..

k lar..smpi ney jep..t ak blogging lg..wiwiwi..:D

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Hujan Lagi^^

hye frenz..ary neyh still ujan kt umah ak..waarrghhh..sejukk menggila..huhu..xda yg spesel sgt la cite kuh di umah ary neyh..cuma..ak nk adeq laki ak telah habiskan sbyak 5 cd korea..huahahah..bezzzz...My Lovely Samsoon..aduss..then ak masak bkn masak sgt pon..ak wat agar2 castard..favorite kami sume..wat agar2 dua loyang..kjap jep abez..ngehehehe..xtahan lama pon..mlam td ak sambg lak tgk movie jap..then br ak lom siap ag..hooohh..ak apa lg..cpat2 ttup tv..trus ngadap lapto wat report..bkan 1 tp 2 report ak kne wat..alahai..byk nye..neyh la pdahnye ble jd SUK..hee..tape2..ak ske bnde2 cmneyh..

then ak basuh sgale bju ak yg xberbasuh tuh..pnuh stu ak adew mslah lak..hanger nggak ckup seyh..gimana neyh???mau sidai dimana??aduhh..gawat ginih..hurm..tape la..t ak pk cne nk wat..xpon..ltak jep ats mne2 krusi aslkan nmpak cm bersidai..hek3..[apa pnyer anak dara la neyh..pemalas..huu..]...

neyh ak nk bkak kjap jep tenet malam neyh..kalo mk ak taw kang parah t..hee..jap g nk sidai kain.then nk tdow lam kt obersi gituu..huhu..k la..ill stop my coretan yg cam bkn coretan..selamat malam kwan2..jgn lupe bgun sbuh ya!hoho..[untuk diri sendiri jgak..]..daa~

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